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弱点观后感300字中英文目录弱点观后感300字中英文电影《弱点》的英语观后感,200-300字急求电影≤弱点≥英文观后感 字数不限 最后不要太长+点语法错误弱点观后感300字中英文弱点观后感300字看完弱点后,我深深地被这部电影所打动。它讲述了橄榄球运动员迈克尔·奥赫的人生故事,展现了他的奋斗和成功。电影中,迈克尔经历了许多挫折和困难,但他从未放弃,最终成为了一名优秀的运动员。这部电影让我明白了成功的背后需要付出巨大的努力和坚持不懈的精神。迈克尔·奥赫在面对困难时,始终保持积极的态度,不断地向前迈进。这种精神值得我们学习和借鉴。同时,电影中的情感线也非常感人。家庭的力量、友谊和爱情都给了迈克尔巨大的支持。他的家人和朋友们一直在他身边,不断地鼓励和帮助他。这种亲情和友情的支持,也是迈克尔能够取得成功的重要因素。总的来说,弱点是一部非常感人和励志的电影。它让我深刻地认识到了成功的不易,也让我更加珍惜身边的人和事。我强烈推荐大家去看这部电影,相信它会给你带来许多启示和感动。收到你的喜欢啦收到你的喜欢啦 电影《弱点》的英语观后感,200-300字Yesterday saw (weaknesses), in fact earlier before I went to see it, but the thunderbolt examined next, see evaluation say subtitle translator is very bad we havent seen. Yesterday finally finished watching the movie, also didnt think translation have what problem, it seems that comment is not credible. The truth is very moving, although the witcher nothing big fluctuations, but is such a movie to real, to touching. In Sandra took Oscar later did I know her name, then in thunderbolt recommend that saw written oscar-winning film, starring Sandra, I click go to see it, but behold got oolong, Adam. Thornton le mistaken as Sandra. Brock, but the film also is very good-looking, there are also about football, with the name, the last of the yard. Seeing so many foreign movies, weakness was the first to let me see will want to cry. In the streets, evening see mike in laundry overnight, and when brock let her brought home the scene really is very moving. Remember early days David asked my favorite thing to do what it is and I was not think out, now I can tell him, I like watching movies. Watching movies can make us feel different life, not the same person, different life. In the reality doesnt happen or appear thing also perhaps people can we by movie to satisfy - its a movie can bring a person. 急求电影≤弱点≥英文观后感 字数不限 最后不要太长+点语法错误The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, were transcendent movies. The Blind Side (TBS) is not, which is why it is not a great movie. But in terms of its themes, it is a serious, well-made movie.The main point, IMO, is that there is a disconnect between the Christianity Americans profess and the Christianity that they practice. Michael Oher went to a Christian Academy. But he wasnt admitted because he was a child in need, he was admitted because they thought he might be a good football player. He was consistently viewed as an outsider, befriended by no one. Were the Touhys the only people who saw that he was in need, or were they the only ones to act on their Christian faith? And if the faith of others is so shallow, what does that say about the state of Christianity today? TBS doesnt beat you over the head with this, but it is there. You often see statements of Christian faith ("in God, all things are possible") juxtaposed with examples of how people fall short of those ideals. Bullocks character is a right-wing, gun-toting, fundamentalist Christian. That such a person would take a 300-pound black kid into her home only shows how deep HER Christian faith is.Another theme in TBS is how much of the plight of the black underclass is a result of their own behavior as opposed to the plight they find themselves in. TBS told you _a lot_ about Oher, but it did it through exposition, not dialogue. You saw his mother, you saw his background. You saw the thugs in the hood and you saw how utterly different he was from them and you knew, somehow, that that difference in character was why he was where he was, and why they were where they were.Race, class, faith – all in a Hollywood movie about a football player. And the script makes sense and the performances ring true. I was glad I saw TBS and I wholeheartedly recommend it.