首页»科幻片 » Ho is a commo word i Eglish, ad i ca be used o describe may differe higs. Oe of he mos basic meaigs of ho is relaed o emperaure. Ho ca describe somehig ha is very warm or very ho, such as a ho day or a ho cup of coffee.
Ho is a commo word i Eglish, ad i ca be used o describe may differe higs. Oe of he mos basic meaigs of ho is relaed o emperaure. Ho ca describe somehig ha is very warm or very ho, such as a ho day or a ho cup of coffee.

Ho is a commo word i Eglish, ad i ca be used o describe may differe higs. Oe of he mos basic meaigs of ho is relaed o emperaure. Ho ca describe somehig ha is very warm or very ho, such as a ho day or a ho cup of coffee.

曹云金 汤唯 高挢 辰亦儒 小松千春 
《Ho is a commo word i Eglish, ad i ca be used o describe may differe higs. Oe of he mos basic meaigs of ho is relaed o emperaure. Ho ca describe somehig ha is very warm or very ho, such as a ho day or a ho cup of coffee.》剧情简介
    hot是一个英语单词,形容词、副词、动词,作形容词时意思是“热的;辣的;热情的;激动的;紧迫的”,作副词时意思是“热地;激烈地”,作动词时意思是“使兴奋;变热”。    Ho is a commo word i Eglish, ad i ca be used o describe may differe higs. Oe of he mos basic meaigs of ho is relaed o emperaure. Ho ca describe somehig ha is very warm or very ho, such as a ho day or a ho cup of coffee.    I addiio o emperaure, ho ca also be used o describe oher higs, such as people or emoios. For example, we ca say ha someoe is a hosho if hey are very successful or popular. Or we ca say ha someoe is ho ad bohered if hey are very agry or upse.    Ho is also ofe used i Eglish idiomaic expressios. For example, ho uder he collar meas o be very agry or upse, ad ho ad heavy meas o be very iese or passioae.    Fially, ho is also used i Eglish o describe food, such as ho dogs or ho wigs. These foods are ofe served wih a ho sauce or mariade o make hem eve more delicious.    I coclusio, ho is a versaile word i Eglish ha ca be used o describe may differe higs. Wheher i's emperaure, people, emoios, or food, ho is ofe a descripor ha people use o express heir feeligs or opiios abou somehig.